Home Working
Posted on 20th March 2020 at 11:59
Let us help you with getting organised for Home Working....
I'm sure you have a task list as long as your arm at the moment, so I am going to get straight to the point with a few top items to consider :
Are they able to work from home safely ?
Do they have an adequate workstation ?
Do all devices have the right level of IT Security ?
Communication will be key, so ensure you have all up to date contact details.
Discuss and come up with a plan of what is expected of them when they are working from home; working hours, how and when you will be getting in contact with them, work plans and targets.
Ensure they have the correct equipment.
Test communication methods such as Zoom, Skype, Whats app or any other method you choose to use.
Ask them to complete a home working checklist, return it with a photo so you can produce a risk assessment.
Ask them to complete and return a DSE assessment once they are settled in their workstation.
Trust them and be flexible
How IMG can help you without any risk, we can remotely....
Be in constant contact with you via any method of communication you feel comfortable to use.
Produce a home working procedure
Produce a Coronavirus procedure
Assist you complete your risk assessments for the home workstations
Remotely train your team on Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
Tagged as: Home Working
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