Visitors in the Workplace 
Visitors are common within the workplace, whether they are clients, vendors, job applicants, or guests. It is important to ensure they remain safe and healthy whilst on site. 
Here are some guidelines for managing visitors in the workplace: 
1. Visitor Policy: Develop a clear visitor policy that outlines procedures for welcoming and managing visitors into the workplace. Include information such as visitor registration and issue of badges, chaperone requirements, and areas both accessible and prohibited for visitors. 
2. Visitor Registration: Ensure all visitors register upon arrival. This process typically involves providing their name, contact information, purpose of visit, and any relevant affiliations. This helps keep track of who is in the building in case of emergencies. Remember to ensure they sign out at the end of the visit to prevent the risk of someone looking for them in an emergency. 
3. Identification: e.g. Visitor Badges etc: Issue visitor badges or passes to identify individuals who are authorised to be on the premises. Badges should be prominently displayed and easily visible at all times during the visit. 
4. Chaperone Requirements: Determine whether visitors need to be escorted while in the workplace, especially in sensitive or restricted areas. Assign a staff member to accompany visitors and ensure they adhere to safety protocols and regulations. 
5. Safety Briefing: Provide visitors with a brief safety orientation upon arrival. This should cover emergency procedures, evacuation routes, and any specific safety hazards or precautions they need to be aware of during their visit. This should include traffic management, walkways and fire safety evacuation and assembly points. 
6. Visitor Amenities: Make visitors feel welcome by providing amenities such as seating areas, toilets, and refreshments. Ensure these facilities are clean, well-maintained, and easily accessible. 
7. Professional Conduct: Remind employees to treat visitors with courtesy and professionalism at all times. Encourage them to offer assistance and answer any questions visitors may have about the organisation or their visit. Discuss key visits and the requirements of staff during your monthly health and safety meetings. 
8. Confidentiality and Security: Emphasise the importance of confidentiality and security when interacting with visitors. Remind employees not to disclose sensitive information or grant access to restricted areas without proper authorisation. Ensure visitors are aware of where they may use their mobile phones and whether photography is prohibited. 
9. Visitor Parking: Provide designated parking areas for visitors, if available, and clearly mark them with signage. Ensure these parking areas are convenient and easily accessible from the main entrance. 
10. Adjustments: Check with visitors to see if they need additional adjustments or assistance whilst on site. For example, if they have mobility issues, or visual and hearing impairments. Consider suitable access routes and available facilities. 
11. Feedback and Follow-up: Encourage feedback from visitors about their experience during their visit. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and enhance the visitor experience in the future. Follow up with visitors after their visit to express appreciation for their time and address any outstanding questions or concerns. 
By implementing these guidelines, organisations can effectively manage visitors in the workplace while ensuring their safety, security, and overall satisfaction during their visit. 
Did you know that we can assist you with creating your policies and guide you create and implement a process for visitors if you require any help, please drop us a line here. 
Tagged as: visitors
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